Tuesday, January 15, 2013

"Duz Joe really KNOW?"

Cuz Joe Knows...  duz he really tho?

Joe Stanley with Angela M at 215 Burnet Ave office

"What's Joe like in person?"
"How do you know Joe?"
"Why do I see Joe everywhere?"
"Does Joe ever lose a case?"
"Does Joe ever... NOT know?"
"What do you like most about Joe?"

Joe Stanley that is.

Whether grabbing a coffee down in Armory Square,
grocery shopping in Wegmans,
visiting my alma mater in Ithaca,
it seems nowadays I don't get too far without
somebody asking me one, or all of these questions.

All great questions!

In all the years I've worked with Joe Stanley of Stanley Law,
there are still new things I learn about Joe every week.

Last week at a TV shoot, the topic of weather came up.
And yep, sure enough, Joe knows about weather.  
A degree in meteorology can do that for you.  

When the topic shifted to global warming and ice ages and... 
well, Joe's degree in geology offers insight that can come in handy.  

There's no doubt that Joe knows law and personal injury.
Practicing for decades, he's seen it all.  As you can imagine,
well maybe you can't, the sadness and tragedy he's seen impact
families and individuals over these many years is heartbreaking.

It takes a special sort to keep objective and positive, despite
being surrounded daily by the horrors that construction accidents, 
car accidents, motorcycle accidents, surgeries gone awry, can wreak. 

Joe's definitely an interesting guy.  He juggles a lot. He and his wife
have raised three great kids.  He likes to spend time on his boat.
Joe's boat is nothing fancy, but it gets him out on the lake.  Gives him
time to think, strategize for his next case, ponder the ever-growing
competition he faces from other law firms, and well, sometimes, just breathe.

He works out 7 days a week.  Not at a fancy gym, but at the Y downtown.
Joe 'keeps chapel' as Carolyn Hendrickson from the Rescue Mission
calls it, every month where he volunteers his time to offer legal advice
to those who call the Rescue Mission 'home.'  

He started a charity called Music for the Mission nearly 3 years ago 
in an effort to use music to educate, have fun, while raising money for 
organizations who help feed the hungry and shelter the homeless.  
Oh, Joe is an avid bluegrass fan.  Would you have ever guessed that?

Volunteer and get involved to make a difference today!

Great Rewards don't come without great risks.  No one knows this
better than Joe Stanley.  Recently Joe and his Team undertook a 
risky project of their own:

they bought a beat up victorian house in the Hawley Green district
and renovated it from the ground up.  Literally.  It's beautiful now...
just don't ask Joe how the experience went! 

Due to some poor judgement of multiple 'experts' regarding the 
major mechanical systems at 215 Burnet Ave, Joe felt a lot more 
financial pain along the way than anticipated.  The house should've 
went to the wrecking ball.  But with Joe's usual grit and tenacity, 
he stuck it out even when there was no end in sight.  

I guess that's the kind of guy you want in your corner in court,
when the unexpected may happen to you or someone you love.

You can contact Angela M at blueimarketing.com 

Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions 
I get about Joe:

"Does Joe ever lose a case?"  Yes.  
Joe does know, and he does 'get it right' a lot.  
But he's still human, he gets frustrated and yes, 
he sometimes loses in court, despite best efforts.  

"Juries always think my clients are just out for the big money.  
Money hungry people hoping for the big score" Joe says.  
We only accept and fight for legitimately, seriously injured folks.
My clients' lives are ripped to shreds by some horrible twist of fate.  

They're fighting just to keep a roof over their head, keep their marriage 
and family together, keep the heat and lights on, put food on the table.  
When you're seriously injured, you're NOT working.  No money.  
What would that mean to to any one of us?" Joe asks.

"What's Joe like in person?"

What you see on the screen is a pretty true reflection of how Joe is
in person.  Joe's a genuine guy.  He cares for his Team, and his clients
truly and sincerely.

"How do you know Joe?"  

My company, blue i marketing, does all of Joe's advertising and marketing.
When we decided to introduce a more educational style of advertising,
with the Q&A, it made sense for me to be the interviewer for Joe.

Joe Stanley's advertising agency, blue i marketing

"Why do I see Joe everywhere?"

Joe's been fortunate through hard work and smart thinking to remain 
a successful and highly regarded firm in New York and PA.

In order for Joe to do good, for him to help all the people he wants to help, 
employ his 35 employees, he needs to keep the firm competitive and front and center
with the public.  Part of Joe's marketing has always been education.  Educating
the public about the big insurance companies.  How they operate and how 
to beat them.  Meanwhile, he knows the integrity of his stories are important 
to the public so the public also KNOWS.

"Does Joe ever... NOT know?"

Well truth is, yes, yes he does.  More importantly if and when 
he doesn't, he knows who to ask.

"What do you like most about Joe?"  

His honesty.  If Joe offers advice, if he shares an experience, 
in business decisions, I have never once doubted I was getting absolute, 
sometimes brutal, honesty from Joe.  An honest attorney? Ask any employee, 
colleague, media rep and they'll confirm it.

They broke the mold when they made Joe.
Joe Stanley is doing well by doing good...

Cuz Joe knows.


If you're interested in learning more about the systems and philosophies 
we implement with Joe's marketing and advertising, 

contact Angela M today, 315-559-0947 and at blue i marketing to chat.



  2. Disgusting! He looks like a walking skeleton!

